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Men's County Quarter Finals

A busy week coming up for the club as the men’s county quarter finals start, here is a round up of who is playing when and where.

Monday 9th July

Men's Fours

Jamie Seymour Alex Squires Dave West and Dave Clay v T Godman (Stony Stratford) @ Waddesdon

Tuesday 10th July

Men's Triples

Rhys Lee Mal Drage and Dean Brookes v P Rowling (Cheddington) @ Aylesbury Town

Alex Squires Dave Clay and Gerry Smyth v K Patrick (Gerrards Cross) @ Aylesbury Town

Wednesday 11th July

Men's o55 Fours Semi Final

Dave Labrum Malcolm Pratt Mal Drage and Don Savage v D Grieve (Gerrards Cross) @ Waddesdon

Thursday 12th July

Men's Pairs

Mal Drage and Dean Brookes v K Higgins (Waddesdon) @ Gerrards Cross

Alex Squires and Gerry Smyth v J McGuinness (Gerrards Cross) @ Gerrards Cros

Friday 13th July

Men's Singles

Dean Brookes v I Harvey (Marlow) @ Bletchley St Martins

Good luck to all involved and support for any game will be most welcome

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