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BTBC Covid 19 Club House Opening Details

BTBC Covid 19 Club House Opening Details – mandatory

All people entering the club for whatever reason must henceforth fill in the attendance register in the hall both for arrival and departure. This is for track and trace purposes. If anyone attends i.e. for maintenance or other reason and is not a member, they must also supply a contact number and address.

In order to open the club, we have had to take into account several situations and hence the committee feel this is the best at this present time. The club will be open from Friday 10th 7pm.

You must social distance 2m apart or where space does not allow 1m+ ideally with your back to the nearest person. Tables have been spaced so that people can make a choice of distancing and routes round the club house. Whilst in the club you must have the two exits to the green open (doors wedged open) for easy access. Last person out has to lock the club up again. Government guidance on maximum persons together must be followed at table.

There is a limit of 30 people placed presently allowed in the club house at any one time. Last in first out. You may use the tables and benches outdoors in addition but be responsible for cleaning and clearing your own benches and tables using spray etc from the club house.

The bar itself is to remain closed as it is unfair and we cannot expect volunteers to run a bar safely. Likewise, card payments have been discussed and these would not be suitable at this time with people not knowing how to operate the machines and lack of volunteers. Therefore, we are trialling an honesty system. The Kitchen large and small fridges will be in use. Beer, Lager, Wine and other drinks in the large fridge with soft drinks in the small fridge.

There will be plastic disposable glasses available from the kitchen and an honesty box with a price list. The prices will be to the nearest £1 coin to avoid change needed as much as possible so bring your £1 coins! Our treasurer will monitor money taken against drink put out and if we have abuse of the facility it will be withdrawn until a different system is in place which may be a long time.

Entry and exit to the kitchen is via the kick door which swings both ways – look to make sure all is clear and no need to use hands – just foot or shoulder.

You are expected to wipe down/sanitise tables, fridge doors etc as you use them and leave them clean and clear of all rubbish – a bin is provided which opens by foot operation. There will be ample sanitiser for each table and in the kitchen for handles etc.

At present it is members and those considering membership (trialling bowls) to use the club only. Guests should be avoided although if it can be justified the guest book will be out and expected to be filled in and the £1 temporary membership paid. This will also be monitored.

Club house opening times are changed for the duration and at present are as follows and must be strictly adhered to. Weekdays 7pm to 10pm. 12 noon to 3pm Saturday and Sunday. Provide your own non-alcoholic drinks outside of these times.

Bowling may well still be taking place outside opening times for the club house but drinks cannot be served.



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