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COVID-19 Update

The committee of the bowls club made the decision at the start of the COVID-19 lockdown, to temporarily close the green and the clubhouse until further notice. Last Sunday you may have heard the Prime Minister announce that the lockdown rules were being eased slightly, and that people would now have the opportunity to meet with one other person not from your household. The government have also produced a 50 page report with further details, however there are some issues which are not yet clarified. Bowls England and many other national sporting bodies, are still digesting the various documents and awaiting direction from the Government on a range of issues that is expected to include, but not be limited to, the use of toilets, changing rooms, shared equipment (in our case mats, jacks etc) and other facilities. As soon as this is available, we will be in a better position to agree a way forward for club members.

For us there are other issues which the committee need to discuss, such as how to manage the booking of rinks, and to maintain social distancing. Once we have the necessary guidance from Bowls England, we will hold a conference call meeting to agree a way forward, and to hopefully reopen the green, albeit in a limited style to normal. In the meantime, the green and clubhouse remains closed to everyone, with the exception of those performing essential maintenance, or those who have the permission of the committee to enter the building or grounds. I will issue an announcement to everyone when this changes.

Paul Stewart

Club Chairman



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